CLOJURESCRIPT HAS BEEN something I’ve been following on the sidelines for quite a while now. Poking a bit around with React at work, let my interest towards Om.Next. Contemplating on creating my own web-app, I wanted to give this lispy thing a go. The Om.Next documentation led me to the ClojureScript quick-start guide.

Tutorial: Create structure and file

  mkdir -p src/hello_world;touch src/hello_world/core.cljs

Me copy-pasta

  mkdir -p src/hello_world;touch src/hello_world/core.cljs

Tutorial: edit the src/hello_world/core.cljs to look like the following:

(ns hello-world.core)
(println "Hello world!")

Me copy-pasta

ns hello-world.core)
(println "Hello world!")

Tutorial: Add the following Clojure code to build.clj

(require '
( "src" {:output-to "out/main.js"})

Me copy-pasta

(require '
( "src" {:output-to "out/main.js"})

Tutorial: build it

java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main build.clj

Me copy-pasta

java -cp cljs.jar:src clojure.main build.clj

Tutorial: Create a file index.html


Me copy-pasta


Tutorial: open in browser and see error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: goog is not defined



Tutorial: modify index.html


Me copy-pasta


Tutorial: Refresh your index.html and you should finally see “Hello world!”


base.js:677 goog.require could not find: hello_world.core
    goog.logToConsole_ @ base.js:677
    goog.require @ base.js:709
    (anonymous) @ index.html:6
base.js:711 Uncaught Error: goog.require could not find: hello_world.core
    at (base.js:711)
    at index.html:6
goog.require @ base.js:711
(anonymous) @ index.html:6

Being a first attempter hello-world implementer surely doesn’t make one familiar with the error messages of a new compiler. So I was somewhat perplexed on what was wrong, what to do, how to debug and generally where to look

Did a list of files, although I had no idea what to look for

hello-world» find

Look okay I guess. If anything, only the file I’ve could have messed up would besrc/hello_world/core.cljs, but it seemed correct. I then began cat’ing files and found abvious nothing wrong. A bit frustrated, I followed the next steps in the tutorial which refactored some of the build and dependency stuff. The same error however still appeared.

For reasons unbeknownst to my self, I then opened the file in VSCode – the colorcoding immediately revealed something was wrong. The top line of the clojurescript file was not colored like the others

ns hello-world.core)
(println "Hello world!")

Great Scott! I’ve made a copy-pasta error and missed a begin-parens :-O


ns hello-world.core)


(ns hello-world.core)

Here I was cursing and swearing at the quick-guide. I was definit sure that I’d done it right, but alas a syntax violation was committed

I do wonder though, why the compiler did not error out on this!??