THE ETERNAL TERMINAL (et from now on) is an alternative to the normal ssh session. What it promises contrary to a normal ssh session is a reliable connection that will auto-reconnect seamlessly without interrupted workflow. Another project mosh promises the same benefits as et, but that project have no scroll buffer (an issue unresolved since 2011). This requires you to use screen or tmux to have history scrolling. IMO this is an annoying lack of functionality, but fortunately et do provide history scrolling. The et frontpage have a benefits comparison.
In this runthrough a remote Manjaro machine run the et server, while the client is an Ubuntu machine.
The client and server programs are supplied in the same package. Grab it from here:
After download, a simple way to install it, is by using yay
Manjaro» yay -Ss eternalterminal-server
aur/eternalterminal-server 6.2.1-1 (+6 0.00) (Installed)
Re-Connectable Terminal connection. Includes only the server.
Manjaro» yay -S aur/eternalterminal-server
Looking at the content of the package, it can be seen that both the client and server programs are included. Also included is a systemd script for controlling the server
Manjaro» pacman -Ql eternalterminal-server
eternalterminal-server /etc/
eternalterminal-server /etc/et.cfg
eternalterminal-server /usr/
eternalterminal-server /usr/bin/
eternalterminal-server /usr/bin/etserver
eternalterminal-server /usr/bin/etterminal
eternalterminal-server /usr/lib/
eternalterminal-server /usr/lib/systemd/
eternalterminal-server /usr/lib/systemd/system/
eternalterminal-server /usr/lib/systemd/system/et.service
The et server must manually be started if not wanting to reboot after install
Manjaro» systemctl status et
○ et.service - Eternal Terminal
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/et.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Manjaro» systemctl start et
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units ====
Authentication is required to start 'et.service'.
Multiple identities can be used for authentication:
1. monzool
2. autotest
Choose identity to authenticate as (1-2): 1
Manjaro» systemctl status et
● et.service - Eternal Terminal
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/et.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-06-08 10:46:23 CEST; 38s ago
Main PID: 1630278 (etserver)
Tasks: 11 (limit: 9160)
Memory: 3.0M
CPU: 149ms
CGroup: /system.slice/et.service
└─1630278 /usr/bin/etserver --cfgfile=/etc/et.cfg
Jun 08 10:46:23 manjaro systemd[1]: Started Eternal Terminal.
Jun 08 10:46:23 manjaro etserver[1630278]: Eternal Terminal collects crashes and errors in order to help us improve your experience.
Jun 08 10:46:23 manjaro etserver[1630278]: The data collected is anonymous.
Jun 08 10:46:23 manjaro etserver[1630278]: You can opt-out of telemetry by setting the environment variable ET_NO_TELEMETRY to any non-empty value.
The et server is now running, and ready for connection.
Installing the et client on Ubuntu is simple, as a ppa provides a packaged edition (although at preset, the latest version was not available as a ppa)
Ubuntu» sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common
Ubuntu» sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jgmath2000/et
Ubuntu» sudo apt update
Ubuntu» sudo apt install et
Connecting to the server is as simple as basic ssh.
Ubuntu» et monzool@
monzool@'s password:
(real IP replaced with
If having port-forwarding on the ssh port, this needs to be specified.
Ubuntu» et --ssh-option 'Port 2222' monzool@
(ref: EternalTerminal/issues/266#issuecomment-1114026701)
Note that the et port itself also can be moved, so make sure not to mix up the ssh and et ports, as this causes failure 😉
Ubuntu» et monzool@
monzool@'s password:
[1] 1458478 IOT instruction (core dumped) et monzool@