
AWK WAS SCARY but proved to be awesome! awk is not something I usually have reached for, when having to do more that trivial text processing tasks. Well, the classic column print functionality of awk is so strait forward that its unavoidable ;-) cat data.csv | awk -F ‘,’ ‘{ Read more…

Cross-compiling Janet-lang

JANET IS A programming language that can be used for systems scripting or be embedded in other programs. For further details read more at the Janet site. My interest revolves around getting a portable language that could replace bash for scripting on a small arm based platform. This is the Read more…

A Search for BASH Scripting Alternatives

A SEARCH FOR BASH Scripting Alternatives TOC 1. Introduction 2. Not Meeting Criterias 3. Shells and Shell Languages 4. Scheme Languages 5. Scripting Languages 6. Finalists 7. Conclusion 8. Appendix Readers note: this blog post did not convert entirely correct to WordPress. Consider reading original edition at: 1. Introduction Read more…